The word minister in the Latin means ‘servant’. In baptism, we believe that persons are fully initiated by water and by the Holy Spirit into Christ’s body, the church. So the work that we do as members of Christ’s body is a response to our baptismal call and a service to Christ in the church and in the world around us.
The people of St. John’s are involved in a variety of ministries and activities that represent a major part of the life of our church. As a vital congregation there are many opportunities to engage in a variety of activities.
Currently St. John’s local outreach efforts are focused on providing food and meals for needy families in the Lockport community. In addition, at Christmas time the church sponsors a project that helps ensure that children in need have presents for the holidays. St. John’s collaborates with other area agencies in this seasonal effort.
Other Outreach activities which regularly involve St. John’s include:
• Supporting the local food pantry
• Supporting Episcopal Relief and Development (ERD)
• Seminary education
• United Thank Offering (UTO)
• Supporting Narcotics Anonymous (NA) – provide location for meetings
• Serving meals at Morning Star Mission – Joliet.
• Prayer Shawl Ministry provides a supply, available in the church for family, friends, neighbors or yourself in need of comfort. You’re invited to take one and/or pass a shawl on, as a selection is always available.