How one can be involved in the administration of St. John’s?
• Acolytes: The acolyte acts as assistant to the Deacon(s), Celebrant and other ministers. An acolyte leads the procession, carries the Gospel Book, and is vital to the flow of the liturgy. Acolytes need to have some flexibility to meet the diverse challenges that can arise in the liturgy; they need a calm and patient persona; they must maintain a confident demeanor; and above all they need to feel comfortable in their work. Acolyte training is open to both children and adults.
• Servers: Likewise as diverse a job as the acolyte’s, the server(s) most often acts as minister of ceremony (directing other ministers and readers), assists the Deacon(s) at the altar table, serves as Chalicist and sometimes stands in other roles as required in the liturgy. Because of the many responsibilities in this role, older children and adults are preferable for this role.
• Lay Readers: There is more to reading in the liturgy than simply speaking words on a page. A Reader should be prepared to read, as well as comfortable with reading in front of the congregation. The art of reading to a large group requires presence, pacing, annunciation, inflection and projection (both with and without the use of the microphone). Of course all of these are skills which can be learned, but are sometimes overlooked. The role of Reader can offer some challenges, yet is also a great entry point for people interested in serving.
• Altar Guild: Traditionally this group was strictly for women, however, things change. So anyone who is interested in not only helping with the set-up, decoration and care of the sacred things of our church should consider serving with the Altar Guild. This ministry is perfect for those who enjoy the quiet behind-the-scenes type of service. Along with the care and service of liturgical items, the Altar Guild has opportunities to be part of the shaping of liturgical practice, and even the chance to learn a bit more about our liturgy and tradition.
• Greeters/Ushers: More than simply handing out bulletins, taking collections and directing traffic; it is the job of the Ushers to help parishioners and visitors feel welcomed. In a sense, the usher is the icon of the parish, and is often the first person that a visitor meets at our church. If you enjoy being out-going, and meeting new people; consider serving as an usher.
• Choir: The choir practices each Sunday at 9:15 AM. The choir participates in the 10:30 liturgy most Sundays.
The duty of all Christians is to follow Christ; to come together week by week for corporate worship; and to work, pray, and give for the spread of the kingdom of God.